Pretty Excited..
So in my last post I mentioned the obvious issues I was having with this site. I am currently working on that when I have a few spare moments away from my leadsleap efforts.
I got the theme uploaded and active here, as you can see. Took some hard drive digging to find it… I am changing the banners on the site also, as I am not associated with the product or platform any longer. Some of them are completely offline also.. Can’t have that..
As far as the leadsleap project(s) are going… I am pretty excited!! Sure I have seen a downturn in the opt ins due to the slight changes that were made BUT subscribers are hanging around longer and opening and clicking… EXCITING!
I have been pretty steady in working my safelist plan for my current funnel of choice ( I found a few I will be using for list building on LeadsLeap). Looking over my plan the other day, I realized that the results I am looking for is consistency in myself with this.
Safelist strategies are great, but can be time consuming when doing them manually as I am. I am a member at tooo many safelist sites. So I am submitting a solo to differant sites regularly. My first one was a complete flop, but I am pretty sure the ad copy sucked.. and I did make some changes to one of the landing page in hopes of better results.
All in all I am very happy with my consistency with this and the growing results. I still have about 2 weeks left with this funnel, and will decide if I want to keep promoting this one primarily or try one of the others. Also I am tracking EVERY site, and after doing that with 2 differant funnels, I will be thinning the herd and hopefully that will result in more targeted results. Also considering using a paid safelist tool or system.
Once I have the whole thing worked out I will be sharing lots of results..
If you read all of this thanks…