Still streamlining..

General Talk

Affiliate/Online marketing can be a very tricky industry to find success in. There are so many opportunities and products availabe to learn and earn from and promote.

I find myself, deciding to to stick to a platform, and a few traffic sources, and that goes well for awhile. While working on traffic via safelists, or traffic exchanges, I see pages that are using the same platform I use and still get a touch of shiny object syndrome. The same happens, when I get notifications or see splash pages for new safelists.. These things have somewhat sidetracked me in the previous months. Maybe I was not happy with the pages I was using and that made it easier to sway. I believe now I have found a great system (using the last few weeks) and I like it. I also like that the creator offers various templates, for other promos. I have used the templates to make variations to the main system for split testing.

I basically collect an email to build list, that auto sends 5-7 emails about the main system, then after that sequence is done, the subscriber is moved to my main list. This works well since I do have multiple pages (older and aside from the new main) that are still getting traffic and adding subscribers.

So the basic process is the same, build the main list. I may change a couple of moving parts, but it is the same machine. I guess that is the point of this post, build your machine, so that you can change parts as necessary, the best ones in my opinion are ones that offer at least 3 streams. Then you can change streams on the fly if need be. I wish you all success and thank you for reading..

Until Next Time.

So a quick update.

General Talk

You may have noticed, that I had a couple site issues as of late. They are (hopefully) fixed.

As far as an update I am still working on “trimming the fat” with my online doings, but it has been going well. I have found a great training platform that will be geared toward ai stuff. I have been playing around with ai (not just chatgpt) and am loving it.

As I find softwares or trainings or offers that I see huge value in I will be sharing them here and over on my site

thanks for reading.

Happy New Year !!!

General Talk

Okay the holiday celebrations are over for me (finally lol) and time to get back to regular life

I sat at my work table tonite going through some things, deleting emails, unsubscribing from those emails that don’t work into my plan for the new year and my adjusted affiliate marketing business plan.

I continued my clicks for the cashjuice plan which I love and am getting affiliate sales from other results from! Also completed the outline for my leadsleap training that I will be posting on this site in the next couple weeks, its a couple diff videos.

That was my quick update for today thanks for reading..

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