A post about hosting.

Over the years I have used a few different hosting companies. I have had websites online since 2005. Over the years I have changed hosting companies based on the needs of my websites.

For instance — Youtube was created in 2005, and it was a new site and a fairly new idea to deliver videos essentially in a streaming platform. In the early days some hosting platforms did not offer a plan that supported such a site. I ran wordpress based video sites years ago and at the time it required a different hosting than the multi page sites I had been running.

Even back then wordpress existed but it did not own the blogging world yet.

I have had hosting plans that cost me 30-50 per month, and hosting plans that cost way less. At one point I had my sites spread across 4 diff hosts.

I have streamlined (or downsized) since then and have a hosting plan that is quite suitable for any bloggers basic needs. The host is reliable, I have been with them for a few years now without issues and my plan is extremely affordable.

The plans offer from 5 to 50 gb storage, all offer unlimited bandwidth, unlimited parked domains, subdomains and email accounts. The started plan only offers hosting to 1 website, the Pro plan is for 5 websites, and the Business plan is unlimited websites.

If you want to check out an affordable, reliable hosting plan that may fit your needs, check out Hydron. Click the button below.

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