A little bit of honesty and accountability..

So ..

I had plans, I had ideas for 2022 and I shared them here in the beginning of the year. Sadly 2022 has beaten me up pretty good on and offline. Finding time for online stuff this year has been a real struggle. Life offline hasn’t been much easier.

I feel that I have spread myself too thin most of the time. Tonite I emailed my small list, with an email titled “Step 1 to goodbye”. Basically by the end of the month I will be deleting my current contacts lists, and email setups. I will include a link to a new opt in page in the last email I send incase anyone wants to continue getting my emails.

For the rest of this month I will be working on mindset, and getting the new setup in place and infrastructure in place.

I will continue to update. If you are reading this —– Thank You

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